The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy and Active Lifestyle During Lockdown
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected nearly every individual person and their families, along with the majority of businesses as well, and with the current lockdown set to continue for the foreseeable future and with the strain on our beloved NHS becoming even greater, it’s both prudent and sensible for everyone to ensure that they have adequate protection for their business’s, themselves and their loved ones.

With most families and individuals being faced with unprecedented amounts of time at home, both socially and in many cases, a new enforced work and schooling environment, it’s essential that physical and mental well-being is prioritised and maintained as much as possible.
Home Working
It’s been the year of working from home, Zoom and Teams, as nearly nine million of us have swapped office life for our bedrooms, kitchen tables and any other surface we can balance our laptops on.

At first, we embraced the change, no more commuting, more flexibility and hopefully the chance for some valuable additional family time. But nearly 11 months on with 65% of us reporting an increase in mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, longer working hours and rising levels of isolation, the initial attraction maybe starting to wear off and whilst working from home is clearly set to continue in its present form for the next few months at least, many companies and their employees will more than likely embrace this format further once the pandemic is over, so it’s essential that we all adapt and manage this efficiently to preserve our physical and mental well-being and that of our families.
Fitness and Wellbeing
With Gyms closed during lockdown, many of us have turned to alternative makeshift methods for our exercise, with everything from long walks, bike rides, hastily assembled home gyms and endless YouTube streaming keep fit classes and workouts becoming the norm. It’s also become the year of the wearable fitness device and research shows that using a fitness tracker for just 12 weeks can help and maintain your overall physical activity for years to come and if you have either Health of Life cover with Vitality, you can also earn points for great rewards and benefits, just by tracking your activity.

Local businessman Jon Gold founded “The Broking Group” which is based in Nantwich to focus solely on Life Insurance, Critical Illness, Income protection and private medical cover, in association with “Vitality “one of the UK’s leading life and health insurers.

Jon has assembled a fantastic team of experienced protection advisors, who will review your current cover, or provide an illustration of potential new cover, in a simple, quick and jargon free way, to ensure that you are adequately covered and the uniqueness of the “Vitality” range of products, ensures that you are also being rewarded with a string of potential money saving benefits, just for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.